Hi everyone, have a good day huh?  By the way,  I am here to share something that I just found out after having a hard time thinking about something interesting, so I hope you all can enjoy reading this because it is something light and funny.
19 Weird But Interesting Animal Facts You Don’t Really Need To Know But Should.

Animals are the most amazing creatures. But they can also be as bizarre as us humans.

For instance, did you know that Turkeys can reproduce without having sex? 

If you'd like to know more of such facts, we've compiled some illustrations by 

A. Stiffler & K. Copeland for ChaosLife in a series called 'Nature is Magical' which you can 

cheekily share with your friends. 

Even though hippos kill more humans than any other mammal in a year, no animal will 

come after you for laughing at these facts.

1. Does anyone have a more sorted life?
 Panda don't have particular sleeping spots, they simply fall asleep wherever they happen to be.
Image result for cartoon images of panda

2. So much for geometry!
Wombats have cube-shaped poop.
Image result for cartoon images of wombats

3. The walking morgue! But genius much!?
The assassin bugs, Acanthaspis petax, wears the corpses of ants to confuse predators.
Image result for cartoon images of assassin bug

4. Bullet - Run. Eagle - Run 2x faster.
The strike of an eagle can be 2x stronger than a rifle shot.
Image result for cartoon images of eagles

5. Michael Jackson nailed the moonwalk, and I can't even try!
Emus cannot walk backwards.
Image result for cartoon images of emus

6. What? Are we really munching on the descendants of dinosaurs?
The closest living relatives to the Tyrannosaurus Rex are chicken.
Image result for chicken cartoon images

7.  Underwater bus service. Anyone in?
A colossal squid can grow to the size of a bus
Image result for cartoon images of colossal squid

8. But what if they have a congested nose? No food?!
Kiwis are almost completely blind. They forage mainly by smell.
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9. Parasite rule - What's yours is mine before yours!
Cymothoa Exigua is a parasitic crustacean that shares its fish host's food by replacing the fish's tongue with itself.
Image result for Cymothoa Exigua images

10. Watch out parrots! You got some competition
Starlings can imitate words, sometimes better than parrots.
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11. The Thanksgiving bird is also a self-giving bird
Turkeys can reproduce without having sex
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12. I need to be drunk to process this one!
Male giraffes drink female giraffes' urine to gauge ideal mating times.
Image result for giraffe cartoon gif images

13. Minus one = plus one, two, three...
Axolotls can regrow lost limbs (and sometimes grow extra ones).
Image result for Axolotls cartoon images

14. Posing during their beauty regime. Woah!
Tinamous sunbathe on one leg
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15. See no evil!
 Platypuses swim with their eyes closed.
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16. I wanna know if they get goosebumps
Sloths cannot shiver.
Image result for sloth cartoon images

17. Surviving on the courtesy of the dead.
Hagfish absorb the nutrients they need to survive through their skin while swimming in putrid waters near corpses.
Image result for hagfish cartoon images

18. Beware! Slow loris won't always be slow
Slow loris can kill a human via venom transmitted through their saliva, which causes anaphylactic shock.
Image result for slow loris cartoon

19. Colorful on the outside, a dark thirst for blood on the inside
 Many butterflies can drink blood when given the chance.
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Yeah! Fun fact right? That all from me and I really hope it can make your day more relaxes and chill by having this, Ok?


  1. Nice sharing and I enjoyed it ๐Ÿ˜Š.Thanks you

  2. Nice sharing & i love the animation. So cute! ๐Ÿฆ

  3. For me, i can gain knowledge about the living things and i like your explanation about the animal and use some animation on it..the animation look so cute. Can u teach me how to use the animation.

    1. sure of course, you just google image the gif, there are so much more interesting animation..

  4. i cannot found your follow can i follow you?


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