What is Management?

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The Classic Definition
The art of getting things done through people.–Mary Parker Follett
• A Broader Definition
The process of administering and coordinating resources effectively, efficiently, and in an effort to achieve the goals of the organization.

Management Theory
• It is critical for managers to be able to lead people through the fast pace of change.
Leadership is about coping with both complexity and change.
As change becomes more dynamic and rapid, managers at all levels must hone their leadership skills.
Therefore, leaders are managers and managers are leaders.

Why Study Management?
• Universal applicability
The basic functions that managers perform, the roles that managers play, and the skills that managers use are universal.
• Organizational need
The basic functions—planning, organizing, leading, and controlling—are required to become a successful manager at any levels in every organization.
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Scientific Management: Taylor

Frederick W. Taylor (1856-1915)
Father of “Scientific Management.
attempted to define “the one best way” to perform every task through systematic study and other scientific methods.
believed that improved management practices lead to improved productivity.

Three areas of focus:
Task Performance

1. Task Performance
• Scientific management incorporates basic expectations of management, including:
Development of work standards
Selection of workers
Training of workers
Support of workers

 2. Motivation
• Taylor believed money was the way to motivate workers to their fullest capabilities.
He advocated a piecework system in which worker’s pay was tied to their output.
Workers who met a standard level of production were paid a standard wage rate.
Workers whose production exceeded the standard were paid at a higher rate for all of their production output.

3. Supervision
• Taylor felt that a single supervisor could not be an expert at all tasks.
As a result, each first-level supervisor should be responsible only workers who perform a common function familiar to the supervisor.
This became known as “Functional Foremanship.”
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Scientific Management: The Gilbreths

Frank Gilbreth
Specialized in time and motion studies to determine the most efficient way to perform tasks.
Used motion pictures of bricklayers to identified work elements (therbligs) such as lifting and grasping.

Lillian Gilbreth
A strong proponent of better working conditions as a means of improving efficiency and productivity.
Favored standard days with scheduled lunch breaks and rest periods for workers.
Strived for removal of unsafe working conditions and the abolition of child labor.

Administrative Management: Fayol

Henri Fayol (1841–1925)
First recognized that successful managers had to understand the basic managerial functions.
Developed a set of 14 general principles of management.
Fayol’s managerial functions of planning, leading, organizing and controlling are routinely used in modern organizations.

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 Lastly, team work between leader and employees are very important, so that it can make more efficient and effective when doing job.


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  2. such a great information fatini!


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